Is Avast For Mac Legit

Avast for mac reviewMac

Is Avast For Mac Legit Hacks

ALL: I've been running Avast Security Pro on my Macbook Pro for some months, but this morning I received an email from a purported hacker who says he's breached my email & installed a Trojan onto the sysem. What's interesting is that he uses my email address in his message as well as an old password I used some years ago (but not recently). Of course, he's threatening to share my browsing activity with the world and wipe my computer clean without a paid ransom in Bitcoin.

What Is Avast For Mac

Lest anyone think that this only applies to the Mac version of avast! Free Antivirus, the Windows version has “SafePrice” bundled as well.

I run the Avast Security Pro, Malwarebytes (basic) and Oversight 1.2.0. No malware found on these scans: Is there any chance this email & his breach are legit? All thanks for your help.

Avast For Mac Review

Review of Avast Free Antivirus for Mac Avast is one of the most popular free antivirus programs, and they have a version for Mac OS X. Avast Free Antivirus for Mac offers most of the same features, is free to download, doesn’t include advertisements, and is generally unobtrusive.